First and foremost, I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope that 2019 was a successful year for you and yours and even if 2019 wasn’t a “record breaking” year on the books, we can still learn from the ups and downs. Here’s to 2020 being your greatest year ever and here’s to 2020 setting some legal trends we have never seen before.
~ Jason Ochs
To listen to our man podcasts please search “Wyoming Health Watch” on Spotify and Apple itunes.
Is Second Hand Vapor from E-Cigs Dangerous?
After many of you shared with me that your sons and daughters have done everything in their power to avoid vaping at their schools, you asked are they at risk if their friends are doing it, and they’re inhaling the second hand vapor? We did a deep dive into this excellent question to try and find some answers. The results were not at all encouraging. Listen and share our informative podcast on this topic here:
Review the Manual of any Remote Keyless Starter Kits before Purchasing for the Holidays
After a New York man was run over and killed in a parking lot this week it was discovered that another man had turned on his car with a remote keyless starter having no idea of the risk that the car might engage in drive. That’s exactly what happened, running over an unsuspecting man nearby. We set out to understand how this could happen and our discovery might surprise you. Listen and share our podcast on this troubling topic here:
2019 Marked Major Lawsuits Against Law Firms for Sexual and Racial Discrimination
This year will go down as the biggest to date for major multi-million dollar lawsuits against law firms for the way they treat their employees and associates. Jones Day, for example, had a 126-page complaint filed against them by their female associates alleging a sex discrimination pregnancy suit. Meanwhile, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP announced it would “vigorously” fight a black former associate’s race bias suit alleging it marginalized black attorneys, gave him bogus performance reviews and fired him as punishment for complaining. Law firms would be well served to spend the holiday reviewing their internal human resources department and making any necessary changes heading into 2020.
This week marked some well-researched medical literature that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on vaping and vaping dangers. One article detailed the autopsy of a deceased young man’s lung, as well as other informative data that continue to raise alarm bells for this very dangerous activity. We detailed the data here in this one-of-a-kind podcast. Please share with any parents, teachers and school officials: