Toxic Burn Pit Exposure Lawyer in Wyoming

A burn pit fire.Many service men and women were exposed to toxic burn pits during their time in the Middle East. Burn pits were used to dispose of chemicals, plastics, garbage, body parts, human waste, and many foreign materials. Through burning, chemicals were disbursed through the air and into the lungs and airways of these men and women. Since their return to the United States, thousands of individuals have complained of ongoing medical problems. Frequent complaints include a chronic cough and sore throat, asthma, cancer, skin and lung infections, headaches, heart conditions, ongoing infections, rashes, and difficulty breathing.

A fire burning.Many individuals have come forward seeking justice and compensation for the numerous medical conditions they believe are related to toxic burn pit exposure. Investigators allege that the smoke from these burn pits created a dangerous environment. Numerous individuals exposed to that smoke have, indeed, experienced severe and significant medical maladies, ranging from severe headaches to premature death due to cancer and other medical conditions.

We believe members of our armed forces should be protected as they fight to keep us safe. That is why we seek rightful recoveries for the medical conditions suffered by our service men and women due to toxic burn pit exposure. At the Ochs Law Firm, let us fight this battle for you!